- By: Georgy Toporkov
- | Created at: 2024-05-02
- | Last updated: 2024-05-02
A dead simple ETL with Clojure (no JDK required)
With that article, I would like to start a series of such. It will be about building a data app with Clojure, from data collection to visualization,
(require '[babashka.curl :as curl]
'[clojure.walk :as walk]
'[cheshire.core :as json]
'[babashka.fs :as fs]
'[clojure.math :refer [ceil]])
(def today
(.format (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. "yyyy-MM-dd")
(new java.util.Date)))
(def currencies
["ARS" "EUR" "USD" "AED" "AUD" "BDT" "BHD" "BIF" "BOB" "BRL" "CAD"
"DKK" "HUF" "ILS" "ISK" "KRW" "MYR" "NOK" "NZD" "RON" "RSD" "SEK"])
(defn generate-payload
[curr page]
{:page page
:rows 20
:asset "USDT"
:tradeType "BUY"
:fiat curr
:merchantCheck true})
(defn get-request
[curr page]
(let [response (curl/post
{:throw false ;; not to throw exception when status>400
:headers {:content-type "application/json"
:accept "application/json"}
:body (json/encode (generate-payload curr page))})
status (:status response)
status=? (partial = status)]
(cond (status=? 200) response
(status=? 429) (do
(println "Sleeping 3s...")
(Thread/sleep 3000)
(recur curr page))
:else (do (println "Something went wrong...")
(println (:err response))))))
(defn parse-response
(-> (:body resp)